January 2022

MediGap Advisors Health & Wealth Newsletter

Vol. 25, Issue 1

What the Biden Vaccine Mandate Means for the Future of Healthcare Freedom

Back in November, the Biden administration issued a series of sweeping COVID mandates for U.S. workers. Most notably, he signed off on an order for all businesses with 100 employers or more to force their employees to either get vaccinated or submit to weekly testing by January 4th of 2022.

Now, there’s plenty of evidence that the vaccine is effective in protecting against severe COVID. But that’s not the issue. The issue, sadly, is the same one that we’ve always been dealing with: A federal government that thinks it can tell us what’s best for our own personal health.

At MediGap Advisors, we’ve got a problem with that. As a company that is wholly dedicated to the concept of Healthcare Freedom, we believe that every American should have the opportunity to choose the health strategy that’s best for them.

Each and every one of us should be able to decide:

  • Which health plan is best for us
  • How our healthcare dollars are being spent
  • Whether or not to get vaccines and immunizations

Can My Employer Force Me to Get the Vaccine?

Even without Biden’s mandate, private companies have the ability to voluntarily enforce a vaccine or testing policy in the workplace. But companies should also have the freedom to let their employees choose for themselves.

Not surprisingly, Biden’s mandate was met with immediate backlash. Americans on both sides of the aisle made it clear that the government needs to mind their own business when it comes to personal health.

U.S. Court Orders Halt on Federal Contractor Mandate

In addition to requiring all large companies to enforce vaccination, the Biden administration also decreed that all federal contractors, including any company operating on federal land, require 100% vaccination.

This isn’t just an overreach, it’s also bad economics. At a time like this, we shouldn’t be limiting the workforce’s ability to perform.

On December 10th, a federal judge issued an immediate halt to the contractor mandate. Once again, our court system had to step in to remind the administrative branch just where their authority ends and citizens’ autonomy begins.

But the hold didn’t last. Later in December, an appeals court reversed the decision again, allowing Biden’s vaccine mandate to go back into effect. At the time of this publishing, it looks like the whole mess might be headed to the supreme court. 

Note: We expect there to be more changes to the vaccine mandate in the future. Stay tuned to the Health and Wealth Newsletter and the MediGap Advisors Blog for updated information on vaccines, COVID, and healthcare freedom. 

When it Comes to COVID, Freedom and Safety are Not Mutually Exclusive

Make no mistake: COVID-19 can be a severe illness, especially for those above 65 and anyone with a health condition. Vaccines can be an effective way to prevent severe infection and hospitalization.

But as Americans, we will always have the right to choose for ourselves how to protect our health. That means choosing whether or not to get vaccinated against COVID-19. But it also means choosing a health plan that is actually the right fit, and isn’t just the one that the federal government is trying to jam everyone into.  

Post-COVID, Healthcare Costs will Continue to Rise

Sadly, even when COVID is long behind us, we will still be up against steadily rising healthcare costs. As providers and hospitals jack up their prices, the insurance companies won’t be far behind, and it’s we the people that will be footing the bill in the end.

That’s why we need to protect our healthcare freedom at every chance we get. Here are a few ways to get started:

5 Ways to Protect Your Health and Healthcare Freedom

  1. Fight for Price Transparency: You deserve to know exactly how much your medical care will cost. Request real dollar amounts before committing to a service or procedure.
  2. Become a Savvy Healthcare Consumer: Whether it’s for a health plan, a set of hearing aids, or routine lab work, take the time to shop around for the best prices. By comparing how much one hospital charges versus another, we can help create a more consumer-driven healthcare system.
  3. Maximize Your Healthcare Spending: By contributing pre-tax dollars to a Medical Savings Account (MSA), you gain even more control of your healthcare dollars. Even more, you’re creating a critical buffer between medical expenses and your retirement savings. (Note: You must switch to a Medicare MSA Plan in order to qualify).
  4. Support Free-Market Solutions like Health Sharing: Traditional health insurance is not a good fit for a lot of people. Flexible, low-cost options like Health Sharing Plans should be available to anyone that wants one.
  5. Stay Ahead of the Game: Getting the best value out of your health plan means keeping up with rate and coverage changes. The same goes for your investment accounts. Every year, connect with your Personal Benefits Manager for an updated consultation. For even more ways to save, bookmark the MediGap Advisors Blog for weekly content on saving money, maximizing your coverage, boosting your coverage, and more.

When it Comes to Your Healthcare, We’ll Fight for You at Every Turn

As of now, it looks like the courts are going to protect our freedom of choice when it comes to the vaccine. But it’s up to us to stand up for the rest of our healthcare freedoms with every dollar, and every decision.

Remember: You have a powerful ally in this fight. Your Personal Benefits Manager is a no-cost, no-hassle personal expert that’s there to help you every step of the way, from comparing Medicare options to planning for long-term income and financial security.

Call 800-913-3416 anytime to make an appointment, or click here to schedule online. Our services are 100% free-to-you, and there’s never any obligation to buy.

It’s just a friendly conversation about saving you money.  

We’re looking forward to it.

To your health and wealth,

Wiley P. Long, III
President – MediGap Advisors





The MediGap Advisors Health and Wealth Report is published monthly and emailed to subscribers at no charge. Subscribe now to stay on top of the critical information you need to know about Medicare, Medicare supplement plans, and managing your finances during your retirement.