by Misty Berryman | Feb 4, 2021 | Medicare, Medicare Supplement Plans
Original Medicare Leaves You Exposed to Steep Out-of-Pocket Costs; Here’s How to Stay Protected Here’s what they’re not telling you about Medicare: It’s not enough to pay for your health care in retirement. I’ve seen it far too often: Hardworking Americans reaching 65...
by Tom Lockwood | Aug 5, 2020 | Health, Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Supplement Plans
Contrary to popular belief, managing your Medicare is not something that is complete the day you turn 65. While some people get Original Medicare (Part A & B) automatically, most people will have to take additional action to get the level of coverage that they...
by Jim Corn | Apr 14, 2020 | Medicare, Medicare Supplement Plans
You’re approaching 65, which means you need to start thinking about the decisions you’re going to make regarding Medicare. These decisions could have a long-term impact on your health care coverage, so it’s important to be informed, give yourself enough time to make...
by Wiley Long III | Jan 12, 2014 | Medicare Supplement Plans
Anyone with grandkids has heard the desperate refrain, “Are we there yet?”As you draw near the age of 65, you may be saying the same thing regarding your retirement benefits. After all, you’ve worked hard for many years and drawing from Social Security seems like a...