There are big differences between them in terms of knowledge and experience, and also in access to the best Medigap and Medicare Advantage plans.
In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of using a Medicare-licensed, independent broker who can work with you on a broad range of solutions and strategies, and who isn’t tied to one carrier or a limited range of products and policies.
Training is Important
Medicare is constantly evolving, with policy details and terms that may leave the average person bewildered.
But many health insurance sales organizations “staff up” at the last minute with inexperienced agents who receive bare minimum training – usually in just a handful of products.
Many times, these agents can only present Medigap, or only present Medicare Advantage plans, or only present products from their own employer.
Agents who can only represent products from a single carrier, and are usually direct employees of that carrier, are called “captive agents.”
Independent agents and brokers, on the other hand, can present, recommend, and sell policies and products from a wide range of carriers.
The best of them are able to recommend Medigap, health sharing, or Medigap Advantage plans – whatever is best for that particular client.
Captive agents will generally try to shoehorn clients into whatever products their own employer happens to sell. That’s what they’re incentivized to do.
Additionally, independent brokers and their agents tend to have the edge in training and experience, as they are more likely than the short-term hires to have built successful long term careers in working with the senior market.
Their expertise and experience allows them to translate the complex language of insurance policies, providing you with the information you need to make the most informed decisions.
Get a Free Medicare Supplement Quote
Broad Carrier Selection
One of the significant advantages of working with an independent agent is their access to a multitude of plans from various insurance companies.
At MediGap Advisors, our Personal Benefits Managers are among the best-trained and experienced in the industry.
We aren’t captive to any given carrier. We aren’t even captive to the insurance industry.
At MediGap Advisors, our agents can recommend and help you enroll in the plan that makes the very best sense for you.
- Medigap (Medicare Supplement)
- Medicare Advantage (Medicare Part C)
- Medi-Share 65+, a compelling, cost-saving non-insurance alternative to Medigap.
You can click on any of these links to learn more about each of these options.
Not only are MediGap Advisors Personal Benefits Managers (PBMs) able to work with you and help you enroll in each of these Medicare strategies; They are also appointed with multiple MediGap and Medicare Advantage carriers.
Because MediGap Advisors is an independent shop, each of our PBMs is appointed with multiple carriers in your state, and capable of efficiently navigating the sea of available policies to find the one that best suits your needs.
So you can account for all your options with a single phone call. You don’t have to call multiple carriers to find the best plan for you.
That can save you hours of research. And you can be confident you are enrolling in the best possible plan for your needs and budget.
Get a Free Medicare Advantage Quote
Select whether you would like quotes on Medicare Advantage and MAPD plans, or Part D prescription plans.
What to Do Now
If you’re new to Medicare, you want to enroll in a better plan, or you simply want to explore your options, click here to schedule an appointment with an independent Personal Benefits Advisor.
Here are few more blogs for further reading: Medi-Share 65+ Health Sharing Plan Vs. Medigap Plan G | Can I Change or Switch My Medigap Plan | Does Medi-Share 65+Pay When Traveling Outside the U.S. | Paying For Skilled Nursing Care on Medicare

Lou Spatafore works for MediGap Advisors. As a PBM, his focus is to help people find the best Medicare plan for his clients. Read my full Bio.