April 2024 | MediGap Advisors Health & Wealth Newsletter | Vol. 27, Issue 4 |
Beat Cancer Before it Starts
In his book “The Art of War,” Sun Tzu wrote, “To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.”
In the same vein, the best way to beat cancer by far is to try not to get it in the first place.
The second best way to beat it is to catch it early. So use those preventive care benefits, and get screened on schedule. Early detection is critical to maximizing your chances of survival.
Read More: How People on Medicare can Protect Themselves Against the Financial Risk of Cancer
Take action now to decrease your risk!
Some risk factors for cancer, like genetics and family history, are beyond our control.
However, adopting a healthy lifestyle now can make a difference.
Not only will these actions decrease your overall risk of cancer and other diseases, they will provide a better quality of life as you age!
1. Quit smoking.
It’s never too late to quit! Your lungs can heal themselves over time, if you let them. According to the American Cancer Society, once you put down those cigarettes, your body starts to recover within minutes.
Need help? Medicare Part B covers up to eight smoking cessation counseling sessions per year. Many Medicare Advantage plans also have programs, as well.
2. Eat A Healthy Diet.
More and more research indicates that eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins can help lower the risk of cancer. The world of nutrition is full of controversy and disagreement, but my bias is to eat more of a Paleo diet, and limit grains (you know, bread, pasta, pizza, rice, tortillas…0
3. Stay Active.
Regular physical activity can help you maintain a healthy weight and lower the risk of various types of cancer, including breast, prostate, lung, colon, and kidney cancers. If your plan has a Silver Sneakers benefit, use it! Or get out there on your own and walk the mall, go swimming, or walk your dog. Or so something harder, like lifting weights – you’re only as old as you feel.
4.Maintain a Healthy Weight.
Obesity significantly increases the risk of several types of cancer. It also increases risks associated with diabetes, high blood pressure, hip and knee replacement surgery, COVID, and heart disease.
If you need help, Medicare Part B helps pay for weight loss counseling. And your Medicare Advantage plan may also have a program as well.
1. Limit Alcohol Consumption.
Reducing alcohol intake decreases the risk of many types of cancer, including liver, breast, colon, and lung cancer. Again, Medicare can help, if your doctor recommends it.
2. Limit direct UV exposure.
1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer before age 50. And having more than five sunburns actually doubles your risk, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation. I believe that getting some sun is natural and good, but it’s true you can get too much of a good thing.
3. Get Regular Checkups.
Be sure to get screened on schedule for common cancers. Take advantage of your free annual doctor visit under Medicare, and get recommended screenings on schedule. Early detection is critical to have the best chance at successfully beating these cancers.
Lastly – make sure you have the financial tools in place to provide the resources to help you beat cancer.
For example, make sure you have a great Medicare Part D prescription drug plan in place – either embedded with your Medicare Advantage plan or a standalone Part D plan that you can own alongside a Medigap or Medi-Share 65+ health sharing plan.
We do have cancer policies available, which pay a lump sum if you get diagnosed with cancer, which can probably come in handy. Get more information from your Personal Benefits Manager that sent you this newsletter.
Learn More: How People on Medicare Can Protect Themselves Against the Financial Risk of Cancer
You can read about what Medicare will cover for cancer treatment in their free publication, Medicare Coverage of Cancer Treatment Services.
Thanks again for reading, and keep an eye out for next month’s Health and Wealth Newsletter
Here’s to your health and wealth,
Wiley P. Long, III
President – MediGap Advisors
Comfort at Life’s End: A Medicare Hospice Guide