Christian Medicare Supplement plans, like Medi-Share 65+, provide an alternative for individuals who want a Medigap plan aligned with their Christian values.

Christian Medicare Plans

Christian Medicare Supplement Plans

These plans offer a faith-based approach to healthcare, allowing members to share medical costs within a community of like-minded believers. This is particularly appealing to those who prefer a healthcare model grounded in Christian principles rather than traditional insurance.

Medi-Share 65+ is currently the only major health-sharing program designed specifically for seniors age 65 and up who are Medicare beneficiaries.

There are many other  health-sharing solutions, of course, but none are specifically targeted to the Medicare demographic as Medi-Share 65+. with specific sharing rules that align with the needs of seniors on Medicare.

Medi-Share 65+ Health Sharing Plans are Not Health Insurance

It’s important to understand that Medi-Share 65+ is a health sharing plan, not a traditional health insurance policy.

It’s also not part of Medigap or Medicare Advantage.

Instead, health sharing plans like Medi-Share 65+ are voluntary associations of like-minded, health conscious individuals who agree to help share one another’s medical bills.

In this model, members contribute a set amount monthly, which goes into a communal fund used to share medical expenses among the group. This sharing system is a key difference from traditional insurance, where the company is contractually obligated to pay claims. Instead, Medi-Share 65+ relies on the voluntary contributions of its members, rooted in the belief of mutual aid.

The tradition of mutual aid societies in the United States dates back generations.

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A Christian Health Sharing Ministry

Christian Care Ministry, the parent organization behind Medi-Share, is an explicitly Christian health sharing ministry. All members attest that they believe in the divinity of Christ and the trinitarian Godhead. However, there’s no requirement that members belong to any particular denomination beyond that.

The Medi-Share 65+ Statement of Faith

The Medi-Share 65+ statement of faith, attested to as a condition of membership by all members, reads as follows:

  • I believe that there is only one God eternally existing in three Persons: the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I believe Jesus is God, in equal standing with the Father and the Holy Spirit. (Deuteronomy 6:4, Matthew 28:19, Colossians 1:15-20, 2:9)
  • I believe the Bible is God’s written revelation to mankind, divinely given through human authors who were inspired with the Holy Spirit. It is completely authoritative, and entirely true. (Deuteronomy 6:4)
  • I believe in the deity of Jesus Christ who existed as God before anything was created, His virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, death on the cross to provide for our redemption, bodily resurrection and ascension into heaven, present ministry of intercession for us and His return to earth in power and glory. He is the world’s only Savior and is the Lord of all. (John 1:1,Matthew 1:23, Hebrews 4:15, 1 Peter 2:24, 1 Corinthians 15:3-8, Hebrews 7:24-25, Matthew 24:30, John 14:6, Acts 4:12, Isaiah 45:21-23)
  • I believe in the personality and deity of the Holy Spirit, that He performs the miracle of new birth in an unbeliever and indwells believers, enabling them to live a godly life. (Acts 5:3-4, 1 Corinthians 3:16, Romans 8:14)
  • I believe man was created in the image of God, but because of sin was alienated from God. Alienation can be removed by accepting God’s gift of salvation by grace through faith which was made possible by Christ’s death and resurrection.  This faith will be evidenced by the works that we do. (Ephesians 2:8-10, James 2:17, 26)

Medi-Share 65+ is particularly popular among Christian missionaries and other church workers and family members serving overseas. The program’s flexibility and community-driven nature align well with the values and lifestyle of missionaries, who often seek a healthcare solution that allows them to stay connected with their faith community while receiving necessary medical care.

Medi-Share 65+ supports this by providing a worldwide network of providers, making it easier for missionaries to access care wherever they are serving.

How Medi-Share 65+ Cost Sharing Works

Medi-Share 65+ is designed to help members share the costs that aren’t fully covered by Medicare Parts A and B. The program is a health-sharing ministry, which means members contribute monthly to help pay each other’s eligible medical bills. Here’s what you need to know about what costs are shareable:

  • Medicare Part A Expenses: These include hospital stays, skilled nursing care, and other inpatient services. If Medicare covers a portion of these costs, Medi-Share 65+ can share the remaining costs after you’ve met your Annual Household Portion (AHP).
  • Medicare Part B Expenses: This covers outpatient services, doctor visits, lab tests, and preventive services. Medi-Share 65+ shares costs like the 20% coinsurance that Medicare doesn’t cover.
  • Other Shareable Costs: The program also shares in costs like medical equipment, ambulance services, and certain treatments, as long as they are approved by Medicare and fall under the eligible expenses defined by Medi-Share 65+.

However, it’s important to note that Medi-Share 65+ does not share costs related to prescription drugs, which are typically covered under Medicare Part D or through a separate prescription drug plan. Additionally, certain expenses like elective surgeries, addiction treatments, and injuries related to reckless behavior, such as drunk driving, may not be shareable under the program.

What Do I Pay Out of Pocket? How Your Annual Household Portion (AHP) Works

The Annual Household Portion (AHP) in Medi-Share 65+ works similarly to a deductible in traditional insurance. Here’s how it works:

  • Set Amount. The AHP is a set amount that you must pay out of pocket each year before the program begins sharing your eligible medical expenses. For Medi-Share 65+, the AHP is $500 per household per year.
  • Meeting the AHP. Once you’ve paid $500 in eligible out-of-pocket expenses, Medi-Share 65+ starts sharing the remaining eligible costs for the rest of the year for all household members enrolled in the plan. This means that after meeting your AHP, the program will share costs like the Medicare Part A deductible, Part B coinsurance, and other approved expenses. In short, if it’s included and approved under Medicare Part A or Part B, your Medi-Share 65+ plan will share 100% of the out-of-pocket costs, once your $500 AHP has been met. 
  • Per Household: The AHP applies to your entire household, not just an individual. So, if you or another member of your household incurs medical expenses that meet the $500 threshold, any additional eligible expenses within that year are shared by the program.

In essence, the AHP is your initial responsibility, after which Medi-Share 65+ steps in to help cover the costs that Medicare doesn’t.

This can significantly reduce your out-of-pocket spending, especially for major medical events like surgeries or hospital stays. But it can also be a big help for the occasional ER visit or outpatient procedures, as well.

Does Medi-Share 65+ Share Costs for Pre-Existing Conditions?

There is a six-month waiting period for new members before costs related to pre-existing conditions become shareable under Medi-Share 65+.

You can enroll in Medi-Share 65+ at any time after you turn 65. However, if you enroll during your initial six-month eligibility period for Medigap, or during the Fall Enrollment Period that runs from October 15th through December 7th each year, this six-month waiting period is currently waived, as of this writing in 2024.

That means costs related to your pre-existing conditions approved but not paid under Medicare Parts A and B would be fully shareable, except for your $500 annual household portion.

You’ll still have coverage under Medicare Parts A and B, so your only out-of-pocket costs for Original-Medicare-covered services would be your deductibles, copays, and coinsurance for the first six months of membership on Medi-Share 65+, for those pre-existing conditions.

After that Medi-Share 65+ will share all costs approved but not paid under original Medicare, except for an annual $500 member responsibility amount.

Unlike Medigap and Medicare deductibles, this amount applies per household, not per individual. 

Example: How Medi-Share 65+ Shares Costs for a Hip Replacement

If you need a $40,000 hip replacement surgery, here’s how Medi-Share 65+ could help reduce your out-of-pocket costs compared to relying solely on Original Medicare.

Original Medicare Costs

  • Hospital Costs (Part A): You would pay a $1,600 deductible for your hospital stay.
  • Surgery and Doctor Fees (Part B): After paying a $240 Part B deductible (as if 2004), you would be responsible for 20% of the remaining costs. For a $40,000 surgery, this comes out to $8,000.

Without additional coverage, your total out-of-pocket cost under Original Medicare would be $9,840.

Medi-Share 65+ and Your Costs

Medi-Share 65+ would reduce these costs significantly, as follows:

  • Annual Household Portion (AHP): With Medi-Share 65+, you pay a $500 annual household portion, or AHP.. This is the amount you’re responsible for each year before the program starts sharing your costs.
  • Sharing of Costs: After you meet your $500 AHP, Medi-Share 65+ members will share the remaining eligible expenses, including the hospital deductible and the 20% coinsurance for the surgery.

How It Works

Let’s break it down:

  1. Hospital Costs: Instead of paying the full $1,600 deductible, you would pay your $500 AHP. Medi-Share 65+ would share the remaining $1,100.
  2. Surgery Costs: After the $240 Part B deductible, you would have to pay 20% of the surgery costs ($8,000). But again, Medi-Share 65+ would share these costs after you meet your $500 AHP for the year.
  3. Total Out-of-Pocket Cost: With Medi-Share 65+, your total out-of-pocket cost for this hip replacement surgery would be just $500, compared to $9,840 with Original Medicare alone. And if you or your spouse or other member of your household enrolled in Medi-Share 65+ needed care, 100% of all out-of-pocket costs under Medicare Parts A and B would be shareable. You’d pay nothing additional out of pocket.

Medi-Share 65+ offers substantial savings by sharing the costs that would otherwise be your responsibility under Original Medicare. This makes it a strong alternative for those looking to lower their healthcare expenses.

Note: While the majority of standard medical procedures like hip replacement are generally shareable it’s always a good idea to verify eligibility with Medi-Share beforehand, to avoid any surprises.

How Much Can Medi-Share 65+ Save?

One of the primary advantages of Medi-Share 65+ is its cost-effectiveness.

Monthly contributions are nearly always much lower than the premiums for traditional Medigap plans, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious seniors.

Specifically, Medi-Share 65+ costs just $99 per month for those age 65 through 74, and $150 per month thereafter.

Currently, new enrollees receive a price guarantee of $99 through age 74.

Medi-Share 65+ as a Christian Alternative to Medigap

Because Medi-Share 65+ is designed as a Christian health sharing ministry offering and not a secular for-profit health insurance company product, there are some quirks about its sharing benefits and exclusions you should be aware of.

For example, unlike standard Medigap and Medicare Advantage programs, Medi-Share 65+ does not share costs related to drug or addiction treatment, which can be a critical consideration for some.

Additionally, Medi-Share 65+ imposes strict limits on sharing costs for accidents involving motorcycles.

And since all members attest that they don’t abuse drugs or alcohol as a condition of enrollment, the plan does not share costs resulting from drug or alcohol overdoses and directly related medical conditions.  for victims of drunk driving incidents, even if only as a passengers. These exclusions reflect the program’s commitment to promoting responsible and moral behavior among its members, in line with its Christian values.

Can I Choose My Doctor With Medi-Share 65+?

Both Medi-Share 65+ and Medicare Supplement (Medigap) plans allow you to use your benefits with any willing provider.

In contrast, Medicare Advantage plans require you to seek non-emergency care from a limited list of authorized, in-network care providers.

Prescription Drugs

Neither Medi-Share nor Medigap plan include prescription drug coverage. If you want prescription drug insurance, you should additionally purchase a Medicare Part D policy.

Alternatively, you can purchase a Medicare Advantage plan that includes built-in prescription drug coverage as part of the package.

Each course of action has advantages and disadvantages. But don’t worry – just contact our team of expert Personal Benefits Managers and we’ll be happy to walk you through all your options!

Learn More: How To Choose a Medicare Part D Plan

Medi-Share 65+ Discount Programs

Medi-Share members often benefit from discounts on medical services through a network of providers. These discounts can help reduce the overall cost of the procedure.

I’ve Seen Enough! I Want to Enroll in the Medi-Share 65+ Health Sharing Plan (it only takes minutes!)

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Christian Medicare Supplement Plans Conclusion

Medi-Share 65+ offers a cost-effective way to manage your healthcare expenses, especially for significant procedures like hip replacement surgery. However, it’s crucial to understand what is considered an eligible expense and what might fall outside of the sharing guidelines.

This lower AHP makes Medi-Share 65+ an attractive option if you’re looking for an affordable health plan in harmony with your Christian lifestyle and values.

If you’re age 65 or older, and you’d like to enroll now, you can follow these instructions to self-enroll in minutes. Or for free, personalized assistance, you can make an appointment with a Personal Benefits Manager.

For Further Reading: Medi-Share 65+

Wiley Long is founder and president of Medigap Advisors, and is passionate about helping people navigate the confusing waters of Medicare. He is the author of The Medicare Playbook: Designing Your Successful Health Coverage Strategy, a clear and simple explanation so you can make the most of your Medicare coverage.