by Stephen Losabia | Dec 10, 2021
MediGap Advisors Health & Wealth NewsletterDecember 2021Vol. 24, Issue 12 Your Premiums and Deductibles Are About to Go Up. Here’s How to Mitigate Those Costs [Medicare 2022] Every year, Medicare premiums and deductibles are increased by a small amount. This is no...
by Owen Aghon | Nov 30, 2021
Hi, I’m Mike Montes Direct Line: 800-913-2195 Schedule an Appointment with Mike Hablo español! Hello, I’m Michael Montes and I represent MediGap Advisors. Medicare can be very confusing and even overwhelming, so we at MediGap Advisors have packed our website with...
by Tom Lockwood | Nov 27, 2021 | Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Annual Enrollment Period 2021
Medicare Annual Enrollment 2021 is here. For the next few weeks, Medicare enrollees have the opportunity to make changes to their Medicare plan. Most notably, this is the time of year when it’s possible to switch to Medicare Advantage, a low-cost, privately operated...
by Owen Aghon | Nov 22, 2021
Medicare 101: How Does Medicare Work? How Does Medicare Work: Get the Most From Your Medicare Supplement or Medicare Advantage Plan by Understanding How does Medicare work? Medicare is health insurance for people age 65 or older, under age 65 with certain...
by Owen Aghon | Nov 16, 2021
Medicare Supplement How To Guide: Making Sure You Have the Coverage You Need! Avoid Unnecessary Gaps and Expenses Medicare is a fantastic benefit for those over age 65, covering a majority of the medical expenses you’ll occur. However, it is important to understand...